Students are expected to have Basic Organizational skills.
- College Professors
- Employers

Many teachers do not directly teach their students the basic skills for organization
-Expected it from personal daily tasks.

Inefficiency in School

* Low Grades are a product of being unprepared and Late work
* Grades are a reflection of performance in school
* Loss of Opportunity in Academic Scholarships

Time Management 


Students become overwhelmed with school work and activities

Time Management is key to finding success in every aspect of live

It is a skill especially needed in the transition between High-School and College.

The Relationship between Time Management and the Academic Performance of Students from the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi

Hours spent studying daily                                                                                                                     Time Spent on Finding Lost Notes and papers
There is a clear correlation that students who need to improve their grades need to spend more time preparing for class and studying in order to be academically successful. In conclusion, this means that students need to have better time management in order to make the most of the their courses and overall school day.

The importance of Tutoring

All students need guidance at some point.

Intimidation or fear of embarrassment to ask questions leads to confusion

Teachers are not able to attend the needs of every student.